Craft of Archiving
An Archivist COllect Herself:
Personal Processing & the Art of Extra-Illustration
Having been involved in an intense, reflective personal processing project since January 2021, I've created this space to share the project. In the coming months, three years' worth of an autoethnographic journey will be highlighted here. For now, I've included a draft bibliography that details the important literature I've consulted in order to process myself! Enjoy and stay tuned for more.

“Out of a few stored bone chips, we remember a dinosaur.”
Ulric Neisser, Cognitive Psychology
Special Gratitude:
Paperology RAG – the University of Montreal
Rebecca Rouse, Senior Lecturer in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration, University of Skövde, Sweden.
Tamar Gordon, Associate Professor, Communication and Media, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Archival Theory/Postmodernism
Brothman, Brien. Afterglow: Conception of Record and Evidence in Arhival Discourse. Archival Science 2: 311-342, 2002.
Cook, Terry. What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift. Archivaria 43.
Cook, Terry, Fashionable Nonsense or Profesional Rebirth: Postmodernism and the Practice of Archives. Archivaria 51.
Cook, Terry, Archival Science and Postmodernism: new formations for old concepts
Fisher, Ron. In Search of a Theory of Private Archives: The Foundational Writings of Jenkinson and Schellenberg Revisited. Arhcivaria 67 (Spring 2009):1-24.
Gilliland, Anne J. and Michelle Caswell. Records and Their Imaginaries: Imaging the Impossible, Making Possible the Imagined. Archival Science (2016) 16: 53-75.
Ketelaar, Eric. Tacit Narratives: The Meaning of Archives. Archives & Museum Informatics, 2001: 131-141.
Ketelaar, Eric. Cultivating Archives: Meanings and Identities. Archival Science (2012) 12: 19-33.
Ketelaar, Eric. Archivalisation and Archiving.
Nesmith, Tom. Reopening Archives: Bringing New Contextuality into Archival Theory and Practice. Archivaria 60
Nesmith, Tom, Seeing Archives: Postmodernism and the Changing Intellectual PLace of Archives
O'Toole, James M. The Symbolic Significance of Archives. American Archivist Vol.56 Spring 1993
Nesmith, Tom, Still Fuzzy ??
Archives/"I" "Me" - Personal Archives
Cox, Richard. Personal Archives and a New Archival Calling. Litwin Books, 2008.
Douglas, Jennifer. The Archiving “I”: A Closer Look in the Archives of Writers. Archivaria 79.
Douglas, Jennifer. A Call to Rethink Archival Creation: Exploring Types of Creation in Personal Archives. Archival Science (2018) 18: 29-49.
Douglas, Jennifer and Allison Mills. From the Sidelines to the Center: Reconsidering the Potential of the Personal in Archives. Archival Science (2018) 18: 257-277.
Douglas, Jennifer and Heather Macneil. Arranging the Self: Literary and Archival Perspectives on Writers’ Archives. Archivaria 67 (Spring 2009): 25-39.
Hobbs, Catherine. The Character of Personal Archives: Reflections on the Value of Records of Individuals. Archivaria 52.
Harris, Verne. ON the Back of a Tiger: Deconstructive Possibilities in 'Evidence of Me'. Archives and Manuscripts, Vol. 29 No.1
Little, Hannah. Identifying the Genealogical Self. Archival Science (2011) 11”: 241-252
McKemmish, Sue. Evidence of Me. The Australian Library Journal, 45:3, 147-187.
Yeo, Goeffrey, Custodial History, Provenance, and the Description of Personal Records.
Craig, Barbara, Selected Themes in the Literature on Memory and their Pertinence to Archives
Dean-Hackbart, Pam and Elizabeth Slomba. How to Manage Processing in Archives and Special Collections. Society of American Archivists, 2012.
Derrida, Jacques. Archive Fever. University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Hedstrom, Margaret. Archives, Memory, and Interfaces with the Past. Archival Science, 2002: 2, 21-43.
Millar, Laura. Touchstones: Considering the Relationship between Memory and Archives. Archivaria 61.
Lee, Jamie A. Be/longing in the archival body: eros and the “Endearing” value of material lives. Archival science (2016) 16: 33-51.
O’Toole, James M. The Symbolic Significance of Archives. American Archivist. Vol 56 Spring 1993. 234-254.
Memory Studies
Demo, Anne Teresa and Bradford Vivian. Rhetoric, Remembrance, and Visula Form - Sighting Memory. Routledge
Schacter, Daniel. Searching for Memory
Archives: Processing/Arranging/Describing
Beattie, Heather. Where Narratives Meet: Archival Description, Provenance, and Women's Diaries. Libraires and the Cultural Record. Vol. 44 No.1 2009
Douglas, Jennifer. Origins: Evolving Ideas about the Principle of Provenance.
Douglas, Jennifer. Toward More Honest Description. American Archivist Vol. 79 No.1 Spring/Summer 2016, 26-55
Duff, Wendy and Verne Harris. Stories and Names: Archival Description as Narrating Records and Constructing Meanings. Archival Science 2002.
Eastwood, Terry. Counterpoint. Putting the Parts of the Whole Together: Systematic Arrangement of Archives. Archivaria 50.
Light, Michelle and Tom Hyry. Colophons and Annotations: New Directions for the Finding Aid. The American Archivist (2002) 65 (2): 216–230. DOI: September 2002
MacNeil, Heather. Archivalterity: Rethinking Original Order. Archivaria 66
MacNeil, Heather. Picking Our Text: Archival Description, Authenticity, and the Archivist as Editor. The American Archivist, Vol. 68 (Fall/Winter 2005): 264-278.
Meehan, Jennifer. Rethinking Original Order and Personal Records. Archivaria 70 (Fall 2010): 27 - 44.
Millar, Laura. The Death of the Fonds and the Resurrection of Provenance: Archival Context in Space and Time. Archivaria 53.
Yeo, Goeffrey, Custodial History, Provenance, and the Description of Personal Records
Life Writing
Smith, Sidonie. Perfomativity, Autobbiographical Practice, Resistance
Wilson, Sylvia. Life Writing in Image and Text
Ellis, Carolyn and Arthur P. Bochner. Autoethnography, Personal Narrative, Reflexivity: Researcher as Subject. Handbook of Qualitative Research 2nd. Ed. Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln. 2000, Sage Publications.
Hamdan, Amani. Autoethnography as a genre of Qualitative Research: A Journey Inside Out. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2012
Muncey, Tessa. Doing Autoethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Method. 2005
Smith, Sidonie. Performativity, Autobiographical Practice, Resistance, in [....]
Wall, Sarah. An Autoethnography on Learning About Autoethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Method. 2006.
Wall, Sarah Stahlke. Reflection/Commentary on a Past Article: “ Easier Said Than Done: Writing an Autoethnography.” International Journal of Qualitative Method. Vol. 17, 2018
Wall, Sarah. Easier Said Than Done: Writing an Autoethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Method. 2008.
Adams, Bernard. The extra-Illustration of Thomas Pennants London. The London Journal Volume 8, No.2 Winter 1982. 123-139.
Andrews, William Loring. Of the Extra-Illustration of Books
Blake, Erin C. and Stuart Sillars. Extending the Book: The Art of Extra-Illustration
Bulloch, J.M., The Art of Extra-Illustration, 1903
Cale, Louisa, Dickens Extra-Illustrated
Dean, Gabrielle. “Every Man His Own Publisher”: Extra-Illustration and the Dream of the Universal Library Author(s): Textual Cultures , Vol. 8, No. 1 (Spring 2013), pp. 57-71 Published by: Indiana University Press; Society for Textual Scholarship Stable URL:
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. The Bibliomania: Or, Book Madness.
Gage, Jill. "With Deft Knife and Paste: The Extra-Illustrated Books of John M. Wing" RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage [Online], Volume 9 Number 1 (1 March 2008)
Jackson, H. J. 2001. Marginalia : Readers Writing in Books. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Moore, Keith, A Grangerized Copy of Weldd's "History of the Royal Society". Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, June 20, 2008, Volume 62, No.2 245-250.
Park, Julie. Self inscription Formats of Eighteenth Century England (Thesis)
Peltz, Lucy. Facing the Text: Extra-Illustration, Print Culture, and Society in Britain, 1769-1840
Peltz, Lucy. Facing the Text: Amateur and Commercial Histories of Extra-Illustration (91-135) , c1770-1840 in Owners, Annotators and the Signs of Reading. Oak Knoll Press, 2005
Peltz, Lucy. A Friendly Gathering: The Social Politics of Presentation Books and Their Extra-Illustration in Horace Walpole's Circle. Journal of the History of Collections Vol 19 No 1 (2007) 33-49.
Peltz, Lucy. The Extra-Illustration of London:The Gendered Spaces and Prcatices of Atiquarianism in the Late Eighteenth Century (115-134) in Producing the Past. Routeldge 1999.
Peltz, Lucy. The extra-illustration of London : leisure, sociability and the antiquarian city in the late eighteenth century. PhD Dissertation.
Treadwell, Daniel. A Monograph on Privately Illustrated Books
Wark, Robert, The Gentle Past-time of Extra-Illustrating Books. Huntington Library Quarterly, Spring 1993 Vol. 56 No.2 151-165.
Art/Art Books
Drucker, Johanna. A Century of Artists Books. Granary Books, 2004.
Bontoc Eulogy. Directed by Marlon Fuentes and Bridget Yearian. The Cinema Guild, 1995. Viewed 5/1/2021.